skin is not solely oriented on white or olive. Basically it's all beautiful skin color depends on how we care for and appreciate. There are many ways that beautifies skin both skin and skin in other parts of the body. Just select it, like that expensive or want a simple and cheap but the results are not inferior to the expensive skin care. If you want to feel cheap skin care but it gives great results, you definitely will not regret to try the unique five steps to beautiful skin and natural healthy following.
Skin Care with Tea
Tea is one of the simplest medium which can be used for natural skin care. Tea contains beneficial ingredients like caffeine, vitamin C, and vitamin E. The third tea compounds have been proven to tighten the skin, brighten, and reduce dark circles on the eye. Beside suitable for use on the face, treatment with this tea can also be applied to other parts of the body. How to use tea for treatment is easy. Beside drinking water, the dregs of steeping tea leaves compresses the face or as a natural scrub. The trick is to take the dregs the cup of tea that has been allowed to stand overnight and is not mixed with sugar or other ingredients. Apply on the face in the morning after waking. Wait until cool and fresh flavor of the tea waste to seep into the pores of the skin. Afterwards, wash your face with lukewarm water to clean. Pat-massage or massage your face gently. Guaranteed after your face will look fresh and radiant instantly. If you want to use as a herbal tea dregs in the morning, you can take a damp tea dregs that have silenced all night and then splash it on parts of the skin look dries and dull. Let stand for a few moments then rinse. The more regularly you do this simple treatment, the better the outcome.Skin Care with Papaya
Papaya is a fruit that is full of vitamin An and good nutrition for the skin. Eating papaya regularly can help maintains skin moisture and smoothness. Papaya fruit also can make the skin look more exotic and not pale. This is because the papaya contains natural pigments such as that contained in the carrots. How to style cheap skin care papaya fruit is very easy to do. Simply take a ripe papaya fruit that is not contained sap. Then puree the flesh but do not need a whole papaya fruit, just half of it. Once smooth, apply on face and skin like using masks. Wait until the papaya fruit rather dry, then rinse thoroughly. Treatments using papaya fruit regularly can restore the skin's natural color change due to the influence of chemical cosmetics. This is because the papaya contains the enzyme papain which helps regenerate the skin. Moreover, the content of vitamin C in papaya fruit can reduce wrinkles and smooth the skin intensely.Skin Care with Pure Coconut Oil Homemade
Who does not know of coconut oil? As a woman of coarse, familiar with oil this one. But we discussed this time instead of coconut oil distillates plant or cooking oil on the market. Our coconut oil is coconut oil homemade cover that you can make yourself at home. You do this simply by cooking oil to the remaining coconut milk and dregs. Filter the oil and put in a container. If you want a more intense results, you can add the grated ginger into the oil. Use a little oil to polish the face and skin before bathing. Skin care with coconut oil will enhance the color and texture of the skin. Skin look so much healthier and not pale. However, if you are not so fond of this treatment, you can use coconut oil or virgin coconut oil instead. Coconut oil gives result which is not much different with olive oil. It's just that coconut oil is more affordable and can be made compared with the olive oil.Skin Care with Cinnamon
Cinnamon was not only serve as a condiment can and natural flavorings for cakes and other snacks. Cinnamon can also be used as a medium of cheap skin care. The trick is to grind cinnamon or use cinnamon powder mixed with honey or can be mixed with coconut oil. Mix the dough until the dough resembles a mask. Apply on the face as a mask. Wait at it to dry and the skin feels like interested. Then rinse with warm water. Use two to three times a week before bed. Your skin will feel firmer and smoother and more visible blush. Cinnamon contains natural oils that might be a bit hot in the skin but can help tightens the skin. However, for those of you who have hypersensitive skin you should not use too much cinnamon in the care that you do. Besides tighten and smooth the skin, mix cinnamon powder and honey can also remove acne scars. You do this by applying batter to acne scars before bed and then rinse thoroughly shortly after waking.Skin Care with Facial Gymnastics
If you previously treated with skin care information by way of fruits and cheap materials around you, now you are presented with another way to beautify the skin especially facial skin. Facial gymnastics is the most convenient method, practicable, inexpensive, and effective. Doing facial exercises three times a day is not only able to tighten the skin, but also can improve facial contours. Facial Gymnastics better done in the morning after waking, daytime, and at night before bed. You do this simply by waving all the muscles in your face as the flickering, forming vowels A, I, U, E, O, smiling, frowning, and so on. You can also use your hands to move the facial skin with skin-massaging motion. Facial exercises proven to tighten skin tissue and also facilitate the circulation of blood under the skin. The result looks more toned skin, flushed and radiant.Tighten, beauty, and skin health not only have to be expensive. Natural materials around us can also be used just so you know how to and benefits only. Consistency is the key to getting healthy and beautiful skin glow. Consume many water, reduce sugar intake, and a shower two times a day can also help improve the skin's beauty.
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