Actually Peeling For What is this?
Peeling apart can help regenerates the skin, can also help clean up the remnants of dirt residue inside the
pores. Peeling also helps to keep skin brighter and radiant, no longer dull as dirt dust and sunlight.
However, you need to look that up to be noticed peeling skin types. Previously, know in advance the types of peeling following:
Peeling Scrub
This is kind of peeling peels using ingredients that contain small particles like sand which his form, and mixed in a lotion or cream which is then rubbed gently on the skin. Usually, those who use traditional peeling made from natural, using salt and sugar as an ingredient particles to help release the dead skin cells from the skin.
Chemical Peeling
Chemical peels usually contain alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), the acid found in fruits, which benefits for blemishes and release the dead skin cells. Unlike scrub peeling, chemical peeling main focus is on the surface of the skin, so it does not cause scratches at risk of sensitive skin.
Peeling enzymes
Enzymes while peeling the peeling is perfectly suited for sensitive or rosacea skin type. The formula is very gentle, walking slowly while helping release the dead skin cells. Not scratch the skin and minimize redness on the face.
The best results will be obtained if the peeling is done regularly at least once a month. And for more leverage, adjust to your skin type.
Skin type: oily
Problem skin is oily or combination skin often breakouts, excess oil on the face so that the skin so dull and does not glow, the pores also tend to be large so that the skin does not look smooth. Well, to solve this problem, which is a peeling scrub peeling. Peeling scrub will clean all parts of the skin up to a maximum.One thing to consider is, on the acne, should not discrub and polished so as not to cause irritation and infection.
Peeling scrub will also help close the pores so that the skin become more smooth and radiant.
Skin type: Dry
Peeling is suitable for dry skin types are chemical peels, skin problems because in general it is less humidity, frequent skin look dry and wrinkled, and sometimes there are black spots on the face.Chemical peels work best to help peel off the outer skin cells. The skin will look brighter and minimize wrinkles.
Skin type: sensitive
Sensitive skin is skin that enough complicated. Not easy to choose the kind of cosmetic products for skin is easily irritated because a lot of things. The real issue is the main problem of sensitive skin, so it is sometimes difficult to cope with problems such as acne or spots on the face.Well, to be maintained skin and other skin problems are not getting worse, do enzymes peels are safe for sensitive skin.
Do not forget to eat enough mineral water every day and eat a varieties of colorful fruits keep skin healthy and beautiful.
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