Beautiful and white skin is every woman's dream, they are willing to spend millions of dollars to get beautiful skin and white, the following are practical tips to beautify and whiten your skin by way of cheap, easy and natural.
China is very famous in skin smoothness prefer to use vegetables and fruits rather than smearing the skin with creams and other cosmetics manufacturers. Excess fruits and vegetables are free of preservatives and fragrances that are safe for the skin as sensitive as anything else. Water content in fruits and vegetables may hydrate the skin and fat block the process of evaporation of water through the pores. So will result in the skin looks clean, soft, supple and radiant.
But not all fruits and vegetables can whiten your skin. In cucumbers, oranges, apples, taboo, soy beans, celery and bananas are very good for your skin, especially the face. It is very easy that is by squashed then wear as "beige" smoothing face.
If you want to whiten the face, use a pumpkin, cucumber and soybean. The content of vitamin B and C in the flask was found to whiten skin and reduce red spots on the skin due to sunburn.
Cucumbers are rich in vitamins, fats and minerals can also whiten your skin but you should not mix fruits or vegetables that contain vitamin C because it would neutralize the vitamin in the cucumber. While vitamins, calcium, fat and protein in soybean functioning nourish, moisturize and overcome skin irritation.
To make the herb should be boiled 150 grams of pumpkin and mash and mix in a medium-sized cucumber in a blender. Soak 50 grams soya beans for a few hours, then puree in a blender.
Previous wipe your face with a cleanser that contains cucumber extract. . Grease a face with cucumber juice 1/3 part only thinly and evenly, have a light massage evenly about 1 minute.
The next step is the evaporation of the rest of the face by mixing cucumber juice into a basin of hot water. Let the water vapor it on your face for 5-10 minutes until your face feels warm. Then apply a thin soy bean juice on the face and massage evenly for 5 minutes. Aside for a moment and then delete all the wet washcloth.
Last use pureed pumpkin as a face mask and leave on for 20 minutes, then wash. Then your face will look more clean and white in a shorter time than other whitening products.
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