To make Smooth Natural White

make Smooth Natural White
Making White Seamless much in demand by the ladies, yes Nearly all women would want to have the white skin, clean, soft and healthy, especially the facial skin. Various ways of skin whitening is done willingly. Ranging from buying cosmetics that contain bleach skin to perform a variety of treatments to get the super expensive white dreams.

Yet according to some expert skin beauty from Miami, the condition of our skin is very dependant on the food we consume daily. By eating foods that contain enough nutrients to the skin, the skin will become healthier and even become brighter and becomes more white.

Because of the importance of the nutritional content of food for health and skin brightness level, you need to know, what foods can help whitens and nourish your skin. The followings are five foods that when consumed much will makes your skin whiter and cleaner:

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes also work pretty much the same with eggs. The content of lycopene in tomatoes can protect skin cells from damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet light directly. Consumption of adequate amounts of tomatoes each day will also make the skin more toned and elastic because tomatoes also contain collagen which can stimulates the appearance of the skin cells. Collagen is what makes skin is not easy to lose.

2. Strawberry fruit

This fruit is favored when consumed as a juice. Many people who cannot bear to eat it immediately because it is quite sour. According to beauty experts from Miami earlier, the content of vitamin C in a glass of strawberry juice is quite high, reaching 130%.

Vitamin C is needed by the body to secrete collagen fibers. Fiber is what makes our skin more supple, stable and increasingly soft. Vitamin C is also able to brighten the skin and if consumed in enough quantities to disguise the lines that appear on our skin.

3. Eggs

Eggs also contain substances that can makes skin whiter. These substances are zeaxanthin and lutein. Both substances work maintaining the beauty of the skin by protecting our skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays can make the damaged skin cells. But not only that, eggs also helps maintain skin firmness, moisturize and make your skin softer.

4. Soya

The next meal ingredients that can makes skin lighter is soya. Meals included in the legume family is rich in isoflavones which are often called aglycone. Several studies on soy mention that the content can make skin brighter and wrinkle-free.

5. Apple

If you want to always be beautiful and healthy skin, you should try to eat an apple. The content of antioxidants and quercetin in apples will protect the skin damage likes skin darkened due to exposure to direct sun exposure. Ultraviolet exposure may increase the risk of skin cancer as well. But it can be prevented by antioxidants in apples.
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